The People's Friend

Try our 7 easy ways to improve your heart health



Being chained to your desk or slumped in front of the TV all day is very bad news for your heart, but you don’t need to join a gym or invest in a leotard – a daily walk is exactly what a healthy heart needs. Studies show you can slash your risk of heart disease by getting regular activity into your life – but no dawdling! Power forwards fast enough to get a little puffed.


Studies have shown a clear link between depression and heart disease, so if you are prone to the blues, do talk to your GP to ask about talking therapies which are available in your area. “Dealing with your depression really can reduce the risk of heart disease,” Dr Graham Jackson, consultant cardiologi­st, says, “and there is a clear health benefit to be gained from interventi­on.”


Stress is a known risk factor for heart disease, so make sure you factor in time each day for hobbies or activities that you enjoy. Putting your hands to work with knitting needles, or sewing, can help you to unwind. Cooking and jigsaw puzzles are great heart-healthy ways to de-stress, too.


Be sure to floss once or even twice a day to keep your gums clean, as studies show dental disease can be an even greater cardio risk factor than smoking. Inflammati­on from gum disease allows bacteria to enter the blood stream, where they activate the immune system, making artery walls inflamed and narrowed, increasing heart attack risk.


It is important to ask your GP for regular checks of your blood pressure and cholestero­l as small hikes in either can increase your risk of heart problems. This is particular­ly so for women in middle-age when the protective effects of the hormone oestrogen start to tail off.


A diet packed with sugar and refined carbohydra­tes (such as bread, cakes, pastries and biscuits) and a daily tipple could put you at risk of type 2 diabetes – an estimated one third of adults have diabetes without even knowing it. Even in its early stages (as pre-diabetes) the condition is bad news for your heart, so cut right back on the white stuff.


TATT (tiredness all the time) could be a sign of anaemia, which could be putting undue pressure on your heart. If you think you may be lacking in iron, ask your GP for a blood test. Iron supplement­s may help, and you can increase your intake naturally by eating red meat, pork and poultry, as well as dark green leafy vegetables.

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