The People's Friend

Join the growing trend for cycling

If you fancy joining the increase in new cyclists on the road, Mairi Hughes has some wheelie good tips!


IN the past few months, people across Britain have been hopping on their bikes more than ever before. In the midst of the recent lockdown, Britain’s largest bicycle retailer, Halfords, saw its bike sales double and its sales of cycling accessorie­s increase by 500%.

If you’re someone who has recently taken up cycling and are not used to being out and about on a bike, here is a simple guide to get you started.

Make sure you have a helmet to wear, especially if you are planning to cycle on roads, and ensure you have a bell to alert pedestrian­s when you pass by.

You should also consider investing in a hi-vis jacket to ensure you will be seen.

If you’re cycling after dark you must also have both back and front reflectors and lights on your bike.

You can purchase these at a bike shop.

If you are new to cycling or feel rusty, it is wise to practise in a quiet area before heading out to busier spaces.

Practise signalling while turning, keeping one hand on the bike and using the other to indicate which direction you are going.

Do you know the Highway Code for cyclists?

Make sure to familiaris­e yourself with it before setting out.

Do not cycle on the pavement, and use cycle tracks where available.

These are usually located away from the road, alongside footpaths or pavements.

When cycling on the road, stick to cycle lanes (where possible) and follow the road markings for cyclists.

These include advanced stop lines and cycle boxes, which allow cyclists to get a head start at traffic lights.

You should always be aware of traffic around you.

Look before you make turns and ensure you indicate which direction you are going with an arm signal.

Always leave plenty of room between your bike and surroundin­g traffic in case either of you brake suddenly.

It is important that you do not wear headphones while cycling as this will cut you off from what is going on around you.

Always be on the lookout for obstructio­ns such as pot holes on the road, and be prepared to act accordingl­y.

Cycling is a fantastic way of getting out and about and improving your fitness at the same time.

Bear all these simple points in mind, stay safe, and get on your bike! ■

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