The People's Friend

How to keep you and your pet safe

How can you keep you and your pet safe?


WITH the recent coronaviru­s outbreak, the potential threat that animals pose to us and our families has been on everyone’s mind.

Britain is a nation of animal lovers and it may surprise us that some of the animals we surround ourselves with can potentiall­y make us unwell.

In the case of our beloved house pets, the most common zoonotic diseases (diseases that can be passed from an animal to a human) are: ringworm, worms, toxoplasmo­sis, rabies and bacterial infections that cause food poisoning.

Ringworm is a fungal infection which kittens tend to bring into the home. Signs may not be obvious, but a kitten may develop a small, hairless circular patch on their skin.

When infected, humans acquire a circular red lesion which itches.

Worms are often found in both cats and dogs, especially puppies and kittens bought from unscrupulo­us breeders.

By ensuring our little bundles of fluff are kept up to date with their parasite prevention, we can greatly reduce our risk of catching them.

Similarly, maintainin­g good hygiene after touching pets and picking up their waste is key.

Toxoplasmo­sis is a parasitic infection which can be especially dangerous to pregnant women and their unborn children. Cat excrement is a major source of Toxoplasma gondii, and for this reason, it is advised that someone else cleans the litter tray if possible.

Food poisoning from bugs such as salmonella, E. coli and campylobac­ter can be spread to us from our pets.

This is one of the main reasons why feeding them raw diets is so controvers­ial.

Scrupulous hygiene when preparing food is essential and owners must never allow their pets to lick their faces.

While it is important to mention the deadly rabies virus that can be transmitte­d from an infected animal’s bite, luckily this infection has been eradicated here in the UK.

In countries where it is present, such as the United States, pets are routinely vaccinated against it. ■

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