The Peterborough Evening Telegraph

Estate’s vandals


Howmuchlon­gerarether­esidents living within the Orton townships going to put up with the almost daily (nightly) appearance of graffiti on streetfurn­iture( junctionbo­xes, litter anddoggybi­ns, lampposts) brick walls andwooden fences along footpaths andcyclewa­ys?

For days, weeks and now months this unsightly blight has been increasing with no attemptati­tsremovalo­rthose responsibl­e identified.

Tenants are failing to pay for its removal... responsibl­ity of the landlord! Residents (property owners) have had their offers to remove this graffiti IF given access to the protective clothing and cleansing fluid ignored, and nowareseek­ingvolunte­ervig- ilantes to assist Every thee-copsandwee­k the Peter community police and in those their whoefview o forts to identify or those national responissu­e. Em sible and bring them to court wherethey can be namedand shamed.

By their own actions those responsibl­e have no concern for the environmen­t or property, No pride of place or love for where they live, so once caught and brought to court they can be evicted from this city. Peterborou­gh has no requiremen­tforthelik­esofsuch people and would be well rid of them.

Thisblight/graffitiis­seemingly something that takes some time to do and there mustbesome­memberswit­hin these estates who have observed those responsibl­e in action and they are requested to report any occurances.

The only remaining re-

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