The Peterborough Evening Telegraph

Park life plea


Iwas really pleased to see Stewart Jackson in his PT column last week championin­g a plan by Nene Park Trust to develop riverside land between the rowing lake and the city centre into Thorpe Meadows Gateway Park. Back in2009 I wrote about the area in this column. I said: “It is a wonderful natural resource to the city, but is unused by many city residents and unloved, it would seem, by the authoritie­s. “With a bit of investment and some TLC it could be magical. For starters, better lighting would make it safer and more attractive. Despite its beauty it can be intimidati­ng at times as there are often gangs of people hanging around drinking alcohol. “Improved signage and better maintenanc­e of hedges and paths would all give the area a lift. I concluded: “A little imaginatio­n and a bit of money could make a big difference.’’ I just hope the plans for the area don’t take as long to come to fruition as the ones to develop the South Bank (sorry, Fletton Quays) have.

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