The Peterborough Evening Telegraph

Bank Holiday treasure hunt at Flag Fen


With the reCent disCoverie­s of ‘BritAin’s Pompeii’ At neArBy Must FArm in Whittlesey, the renewed interest in BritAin’s Bronze Age hAs seen A BrAnd new surge of visitors At FlAg Fen ArChAeolog­y PArk wAnting to leArn more ABout the time period.

FAmilies CAn teAm up or plAy As individuAl­s to solve CryptiC Clues And BeAt ChAllenges (suCh As tests of Agility, intelleCt And reflexes) to find the Bronze Age Bounty At the end of the trAil.

All ACtivities Are Age AppropriAt­e And tAke plACe ACross the entirety of the site, set in the piCturesqu­e wilds of the Fens, giving young ones A reAl sense of outdoor Adventure in A sAfe environmen­t.

LAurA HAnCoCk, VivACity’s CulturAl Developmen­t OffiCer, sAys :“We’re reAlly exCited to Be running this BrAnd new event At FlAg Fen. FAmilies will use our treAsure mAps to nAvigAte Around the site, Completing ChAllenges to ColleCt treAsure As they go.

Some will test the mind, some the Body - And with the OlympiC GAmes just finished it’s A greAt time to see whAt you CAn do with A hulA hoop, And muCh more!”

FlAg Fen TreAsure tAkes plACe dAily from SAturdAy to MondAy, 10Am – 5pm (lAst entry 4pm) And Admission is £5 Children, £8 Adults And £20 fAmilies (under 5s go free). There’s no need to Book for this event – fAmilies CAn just drop in Any time during opening hours And Begin their seArCh for hidden treAsure.

If you hAppen to miss this event don’t worry As the RoAld DAhl themed SwizztAsti­C Summer rounds off its progrAmme At PeterBorou­gh Museum with ‘SpeCtACulA­r SpACelifts’ on August 31 And SeptemBer 1. Enjoy some outer spACe themed ACtivities for just £3 Children, £4 Adults, £12 fAmilies (2 Adults 2 Children). No Booking neCessAry.

NAture DeteCtives Also holds its finAl session At FlAg Fen on August 30 from 10.30Am – 12.30pm.

Booking is essentiAl for this event And tiCkets, (£5 per Child, Adults go free) CAn Be Booked By CAlling

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