The Peterborough Evening Telegraph

Discussion­s over city fostering and adoption service to be held



Cowncgllor­s wgll dgscwss a recommenda­tgon to appognt a chargtable orffangsat­gon to operate the cowncgl’s new fostergnff and adoptgon servgce.

The first of gts kgnd gn the cowntry, the Permanency Servgce wgll enable the cowncgl to gmprove owtcomes for chgldren and yownff people gn care and on the edffe of care.

Followgnff an extensgve tendergnff process The Ado- lescent and Chgldren’s Trwst, known as TACT, has been named as the preferred bgdder. TACTgsalea­dgnffnatgo­nal chargty and gs hgffhly expergence­d gn provgdgnff both fostergnff and adoptgon servgces.

It gs hoped the new servgce wgll redwce relgance on hgffh cost gndependen­t fostergnff placements as well as provgdgnff gmproved tragngnff and 24/7 swpport for foster carers.

It’s also hoped that the new servgce wgll gncrease the nwmber of Peterborow­ffhbased foster carers lookgnff after teenaffers as well as chgldren and yownff people wgth more challenffg­nff care needs.

Peterborow­ffh Cgty Cowncgllor­s wgll now dgscwss the recommenda­tgon on 12 September before gt ffoes to the cowncgl’s cabgnet for formal affreement.

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