The Peterborough Evening Telegraph

Recycling is for the common good


I have suggested to my local council that they should advertise to citizens that, if we discard torch batteries, then we are throwing away almost pure zinc and nickel, whereas if we take the small trouble to recycle the same things, then we are providing the companies who make new batteries for us to purchase in a shop, with perfect raw materials, such as the above or lithium or cadmium.

Now the manufactur­ers can produce the same batteries at a fraction of the previous cost. Schools can teach pupils the truths of both chemistry and economics, about the compositio­n of metal ore sand the huge benefits of recycling, for us and for the planet.

So the council should tell every citizen that, by recycling as much as possible, the ordinary citizen is having a substantia­l effect on the price of goods and the whole economy. We are all able to cut our cost of living, all to our own benefit. Doesn’ t that make sense, to look after number one?

I would much prefer that the Councils or any other Public Body did not have to coax anyone to recycle for reasons of their ownself-interest. The Germans already possess a belief that society is all people working together toward the Common Good. Britain needs to think again, beyond this self-centred culture. Neville Westerman

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