The Peterborough Evening Telegraph

Multi -storey car park is needed


Amidst all the talk about the merging of hospitals I haven’t seen anything in the way of proposals to do something about the diabolical parking situation at the City Hospital.

The situation is fast becoming intolerabl­e, every time I visit the hospital my blood pressure rockets sky high as I drive around looking for a space.

The fact that my wife has a ‘Blue Badge’ counts for nothing since the disabled parking area has been completely inadequate since the beginning.

The immediate solution is of course completely unacceptab­le – replace the gardens and that piece of metal work with a multi-storey car park.

Pretty pretty is all very well when you don’ t have a parking problem, why wasn’t a multistore­y car park built in the first place?

In my view the whole hospital design is a complete disaster from every aspect.

I would have thought that a hospital should be designed to create an area of calm and quietness, whereas this hospital is the complete opposite.

I had to sit in the main hall recently for about half an hour recently, the noise level was almost unbearable, but then what do you expect when the whole area is like a cathedral which is designed to amplify the sound.

I don’t suppose that anything is being done to alleviate the parking problem because it would mean spending mon- ey which of course the hospital doesn’t have! Peter Campbell Peterborou­gh

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