The Peterborough Evening Telegraph

The four Ls of drink driving


Ihad noticed the man out of the corner of me eye. It was closing time and I was driving past the pub when I saw the man stagger slightly as he approached a red van in the car park.

I quickly turned the police car round, suspecting he was going to get into the driver’s seat, in the hope I could stop him before he had the chance to even attempt to drive off.

By the time I turned my police car around, the van had pulled out of the pub car park and had set off along the road.

I stopped the van and, not surprising­ly, when I breathalys­ed the driver he was over the limit so off we went to the local police station.

The next night as I was heading out on patrol when I drove the past the same pub only to see the same red van pulling out of the same pub car park. I couldn’t quite believe it when I pulled up at traffic lights next the van to see the same driver I had arrested the night before, sitting behind the wheel looking much the worse for wear.

For the second night in a row I breathalys­ed him and, once again, off we went to the police station where he was over the limit.

He left the police station the next morning with his court date and I didn’t really give it much thought after that.

That night I followed my usual routine, setting off in the police car, turning right and passing the pub – which was only a couple of hundred feet away from the police station– only to see the same red van in pulling out of the car park at the same time. I really couldn’t believe that he would be as foolish to do the same thing three nights in a row, but he had and when he was breathalys­ed he was very much over the limit once again. At court he received a prison sentence and a substantia­l driving ban.

That was quite a few years ago and very few people would be that foolish today. I have been to a number of road traffic collisions involving drink drivers and I have seen the tragic consequenc­es first hand.

As we approach the Christmas party season it is a poignant time to think about those potential consequenc­es. What might seem like a quick drink – “I’ve only had a couple, I’ll be fine to drive” – could change your, or someone else’s, life forever. Start by thinking about the things you could lose.

Losing your licence – how would that impact on your day to day life? Could you still work?

Then what about losing your liberty if you were sent to prison?

And finally a life. Someone else’s or yours, perhaps. Licence, livelihood, liberty, life. Worth thinking about isn’t it?

Enjoy yourself, have fun and then get a taxi home at the end of the night – and remember you can still be over the limit the morning after too.

As weapproach the Christmas season it is a poignant time to think about the potential consequenc­es

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