The Peterborough Evening Telegraph

Let’s Get Growing


Wyevale Garden Centre, Huntingdon, June 4

A series of events designed to entertain, inspire growing imaginatio­ns and encourage little ones to engage with the joy of the garden. Grow Your Own Mini Allotment costs £2.50 for 30 minute sessions. Create and plant your own mini allotment patch with bean poles and even a greenhouse, then watch your veggies grow. HINTERLAND: COMPLETE SEASON 3 Arrow, cert 15 DVD 2-disc set £12.99 SUCH is the dark and moody feel of this huge Welsh hit on BBC4 that it is welcomed into Arrow’s prestigiou­s Nordic Noir & Beyond campaign. But, if you want to pretend it’s one of your Scandi favourites you could always buy the Welsh language version ’y gwyll’ with English subtitles! Certainly, the West Wales setting is as remote and forbidding as any Swedish crime fan could want. The series opens with the murder of local minister Elwyn Jones who’s battered to death in his little chapel. But apparently the priest was prone to a drink and many had felt the wrath of his condem nation, leaving broody DCI Tom Mathias and DS Sian Owens (Hannah Daniel) with more potential suspects than they’d like. Perhaps it will be a distractio­n as the troubled detective moves to Aberystwyt­h after being attacked and his caravan hideaway on the wild shores of Ceredigion burned down. The prime suspect is Iwan Thomas who feels he has a score to settle with Mathias over the children’s home probe at Devil’s Bridge in Series 1. While DS Owens hunts down Thomas, Mathias is drawn back into an old case that could have ramificati­ons for his team and a link between Thomas and corrupt Chief Supt Prosser hangs over Mathias as other serious cases pile up.

In which Cornish series did Harrington play a captain? Entries to Alex Gordon, Hinterland competitio­n by June 8.


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