The Peterborough Evening Telegraph

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RE: Peterborou­gh market toilets to reopen after complaints from shoppers and traders: Call my cynical but whenever the council publish a stupid proposal and then reverse it a week or so later after public uproar, you later find that some other far nastier and devious proposal has been sneaked through while nobody was looking. I wonder what other decisions have been made while our attention was being diverted? Peter Slinger They should not have closed them in the first place as no public toilets in town Katyryna Biron It’s amazing we send money overseas for charities to build toilets in poor areas but we pay council tax and the council want take our toilet facilities away! Pete Cocozza Must be an election soon ..... Although I am sure that the toilets will close once it’s over. Simon Brooke They should never of closed them in the first place. Sean Townsend

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