The Press and Journal (Aberdeen and Aberdeenshire)

SRC says latest figures worst seen since 1999


April was a “washout” for retailers in Scotland as cold and wet weather left sales lagging way behind the levels of a year earlier, newfigures show.

Total sales north of the border fell by 4.1% last month and the like-for-like performanc­e – stripping out the impact of shops opening and closing – was worse still, down by 5.2% on a year ago.

The Scottish Retail Consortium(src) said its latest figures were the worst since it started its monthly surveys in 1999.

SRC director Ian Shearer added: “Cold, wet weather across much of Scotland left April a washout for many retailers.

“Beleaguere­d household budgets and the coldest April since 1998 were part of the cause but last year’s later Easter and extra bank holiday mean the annual c omparison i s with strongly positive growth in April 2011, making the figures worse than they might otherwise be.

“Even so, retailers are hoping a feel-good factor from this summer’s events and warmer temperatur­es come to their aid soon.”

Scotland’s shops are looking for a boostfromt­he Olympic Games and the Queen’s diamond jubilee, with a blitz of goods packaged in the red, white and blue of the union flag plus commemorat­ive merchandis­e being used to get consumers spending.

But Mr Shearer said the outlook for the sector, which has been hit by a wave of administra­tions in recent months, remained a worrying picture.

He added: “Times are tough for Scottish customers and retailers.”

David Mccorquoda­le, head of retail in Scotland for survey sponsor KPMG, said: “April sales were always going to struggle against the very strong sales figures seen in April 2011, which benefited from the late Easter, glorious weather and a royal wedding. Food and drink sales fell 2.6% on a like-for-like basis, while non-food sales fell 7.6%.”

Mccorquoda­le said clothing and footwear sales suffered the most as shoppers “simply refused to buy summer clothes while the sun refused to shine”.

Overallukt­otalandlik­efor-like sales last month were down by 1% and 3.3% respective­ly, meaning a 13th consecutiv­e month where Scotland lagged the country as a whole.

 ??  ?? STORMY: The group said cold, wet weather across much of Scotland last month added to shoppers’ woes
STORMY: The group said cold, wet weather across much of Scotland last month added to shoppers’ woes

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