The Press and Journal (Aberdeen and Aberdeenshire)

Jeffrey played final half with broken bone

Cup drama: Cove defender hopes to be back for pre-season


Cove Rangers full back Stephen Jeffrey played most of the first half of last Saturday’ s Highland League Cup final against Buckie Thistle with a broken bone in an ankle.

The 23- year- old Aberdeen joiner went down under a Shawn Scott challenge in the fifth minute, but did not discover the extent of the injury until re- moving his shinguard at the interval.

Jeffrey said: “I went up for a header early in the game with Shawn and just as I was about to head the ball he gave me a nudge andicamedo­wnontheank­le.

“Before the final I had been struggling with my other ankle so I didn’t want to come off.

“I tried to play on. It was a pretty silly thing for meto have done, but it was a cup final, we were 2-0 down.

“I was pretty annoyed and disappoint­ed with the way the game was going so I played on through – as muchonadre­naline asanything else I suppose.”

The Allan Park defender added: “When I took my shinguard off at half-time the lads all said there was no way I could have played on for most of the first half with that injury – but I had.”

Jeffrey was taken to hospital and said: “I have been told there is a slight fracture to my ankle and I might also have ligament damage.

“So I didn’t make thebest decision to stay on until the interval.

“However, we now have about six weeks off before the start of pre- season training so I would like to think I will be fit again before then.

“The doctor gave me the option of having the injury plastered or I could have it wrapped in a support-bandage. I chose the latter as it will save me going to and from the hospital.

“I will need at least a week off my work as I am on crutches.

“It was bad enough los- ing the final, but now I am on crutches i t’s even worse.”

Despite the disappoint­ment of injury and final defeat, Jeffrey had no complaints about the result and added: “Buckie deserved to win as they were the better side. We never turned up and they dominated midfield.

“However, disappoint­ments like that will make us stronger than ever next season.”

 ??  ?? DAMAGE REPORT: Stephen Jeffrey did not want to let the team down as they were behind in the final. Photograph: Jim Irvine
DAMAGE REPORT: Stephen Jeffrey did not want to let the team down as they were behind in the final. Photograph: Jim Irvine
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