The Press and Journal (Aberdeen and Aberdeenshire)

Happy ending as rescue sealed with a kiss


It’s a story which wasn’t sealed with a kiss, but lots of tender loving care.

A rescue effort was launched yesterday after a sickly seal pup was discovered bleeding on a Moray beach. The little animal – believed to be between a month and six weeks old – was spotted looking sorry for itself on Findhorn Bay.

Experts believe the young mammal became separated from its mother, and may have hurt itself after growing disorienta­ted while trying to return to sea.

The pup could have been stranded for as long as 16 hours before a member of the public alerted the local branch of the British Divers Marine Life Rescue (BDLMR) group.

Volunteer Simon Paterson dashed to the beach, lifted up the poorly creature and carried it about a mile back to his base.

The marine medic explained that the animals would normally put up a fight against being manhandled – but the pup in question was so tired it barely mustered any resistance.

Mr Paterson said: “It had been bleeding, but I don’t think the injuries were too serious.

“We can’t throw a pup of this size back in the water, as it has been separated from its mother and may not survive out there alone.

“The good news is that this is definitely a seal that can be saved.”

The Scottish SPCA arrived to transport the seal to a recovery centre in Alloa. Any readers who spot animals in similar distress should call the BDMLR on 01825 765546.

 ??  ?? The baby seal was very tired
The baby seal was very tired

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