The Press and Journal (Aberdeen and Aberdeenshire)

Turning the heat up on fuel poverty


The timing could not have been better, with winter fast approachin­g, as campaigner­s revealed up to two thirds of Highland households were in fuel poverty.

The situation is so bad that they have called for families designated as being in fuel poverty to be assigned expert “carers” – to ease a crisis burning away under many roofs.

The word “carer” is highly appropriat­e as many of those who cannot cope with the cost of heating their homes are, in fact, blighted by a debilitati­ng condition.

Fear is also a factor: many are so frightened of rocketing fuel bills and debt that they go without heat completely, or try to get by on less. Having to wear extra clothes or wrap oneself in blankets to keep warm inside your own home is not only unacceptab­le in modern society, but also akin to living in mediaeval times.

There is a “robbing Peter to pay Paul” syndrome at work, whereby some people are forced to cut back on food and other essentials to pay their energy bills. If there are very young or old people in the house, the threat to health is obvious.

So-called “energy carers” might actually help save money by assessing homes and harnessing energy benefits that are available.

The Press and Journal campaigned long and hard to press the UK Government to reduce unfair fuel tariffs in the Highlands. The Scottish Government made the right noises yesterday after the latest statistics without being very specific. This is the problem: turning words into action, so that the best intentions do not disappear in a puff of smoke.

“Having to wrap oneself in blankets inside your own home is unacceptab­le in modern society”

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