The Press and Journal (Inverness, Highlands, and Islands)


- by Patrick Arundell

Aries Mar 21-Apr 20

The turbulent influences of the past week suggest life may have been fast-paced. It might also have left you juggling several different issues at the same time. Today though, a firm “no” in the response to others may be best.

Taurus Apr 21May 21

If the recent lineup has encouraged you to make long overdue changes, see this as a good thing. However, just when you may need other people’s support in order to move ahead, you could be facing one or two objections. You might need to be super-persuasive.

Gemini May 22Jun 21

With the Moon opposing Mars and Pluto across the financial axis of your chart, feelings may be stirred up regarding a money matter. Should this be so and the situation involves you and a partner or a business associate, then careful discussion might be required.

Cancer Jun 22Jul 23

With the Sun in the last few degrees of your home zone, you may feel nostalgic and could look to arrange a get-together. There may have been some strident exchanges and being with those who provide the most supportive vibe can be the perfect counter point.

Leo Jul 24-Aug 23

A time of restless energies is moving to one of more reflective possibilit­ies. As a result, you may feel you’re due a break to recharge your batteries. In contrast, the expansive vibe of Jupiter could encourage you to keep busy and keep in touch Leo.

Virgo Aug 24-Sep 23

The cosmic backdrop suggests that an interest or project may be taking up a lot of money and perhaps showing few signs of abating. If so, look to develop some contingenc­y plans. In reality, this could be the perfect opportunit­y to see the bigger picture, Virgo.

Libra Sep 24-Oct 23

The coming week or so could see you becoming more businessli­ke. You can be very obliging, but equally since mid-May you have learned that there really does need to be times when you look more to your own needs.

Scorpio Oct 24-Nov 22

The past week may have brought home how much better you feel when you let go of uncomforta­ble issues. Be assured, you are on the cusp of a newer, brighter and more dynamic phase, when you can get on the front foot.

Sagittariu­s Nov 23Dec 21

Venus’s move can be more gentle with yourself and not to raise your expectatio­ns so high you feel bad if you don't match them. You may have put pressure on yourself. A balanced approach could find you much more at peace.

Capricorn Dec 22Jan 20

You can feel more sensitive to others’ moods. If you can put off key conversati­ons it may prove helpful. The New Moon could bring an excellent opportunit­y to clarify your own thinking and to reconnect.

Aquarius Jan 21Feb 19

The ongoing Mercury Uranus angle suggests that someone you thought you knew well could show another side to their personalit­y. In fact, a conversati­on with them might prove rather extraordin­ary, but in a positive way.

Pisces Feb 20-Mar 20

With the expansive energies of Jupiter in your sector you could revel in doing those things that you know you shouldn’t. This can include spending on small things you don’t need just for enjoyment. Equally, you may be tempted by a rather alluring person.

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