The Press and Journal (Inverness, Highlands, and Islands)

Businesses call for transition­al deal


Britain’s major business groups have called for a transition­al deal with the EU in a bid to put the economy first in Brexit talks.

A letter signed by the CBI and the British Chambers of Commerce calls for an arrangemen­t where the UK can “maintain the economic benefits” of the European single market and customs union until a final settlement is agreed.

The letter, also signed by the manufactur­ers’ group EEF, the Federation of Small Businesses and the Institute of Directors, presses for an early deal guaranteei­ng the rights of EU citizens in Britain.

The groups, which claim to represent hundreds of thousands of businesses, have also called for a “frictionle­ss” border between Northern Ireland and the republic.

The letter said: “We have come together to urge the government to put the economy first as it prepares to start formal negotiatio­ns on the UK’s departure.

“This is a deal that when finally agreed will matter fundamenta­lly for the UK economy, for UK companies and for citizens. A deal that supports growth will allow companies to hire more people, raise living standards and improve lives across the country.”

The final deal with the EU should ensure tarifffree goods trade between the UK and the bloc, the letter says, as well as minimal customs checks and a “flexible system for the movement of labour and skills” that enjoys public support.

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