The Press and Journal (Inverness, Highlands, and Islands)

Man accuses sheriff of running ‘kangaroo court’


A man accused a north-east court of being corrupt during an outburst in the dock yesterday.

Philip Mitchell had to be held in the cells at Banff Sheriff Court after he began interrupti­ng Sheriff Philip Mann during a hearing of his case. Mitchell, of Buchan Street in Macduff, is accused of repeatedly calling police on July 30, 2015, and verbally abusing staff.

He has also been charged with shouting and acting in an aggressive manner on February 11 last year while in Banff police office.

He offered no plea during yesterday’s hearing and instead accused Sheriff Mann of “running a kangaroo court”.

He was taken to the cells for a period before being recalled to resume his case.

Mitchell maintained that he had no case to answer and called for the sheriff to stand down.

He said: “I’m not making a plea of any kind to you.

“It’s been unlawfully dealt with in conspiracy with the procurator fiscal. You’re in conspiracy with him. You’re ridiculous. I never did anything wrong. The government pays your salaries. It’s the government telling you what to do – it’s obvious. The Scottish justice system is a criminal racket.” He added that he would be making a complaint against Sheriff Mann. Sheriff Mann stopped short of charging Mitchell with contempt of court but warned him: “You’re showing gross disrespect to the court.”

Mitchell replied: “You’re showing gross disrespect to me.” Mitchell faces trial next month.

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