The Press and Journal (Inverness, Highlands, and Islands)

New dad soldier drove at 105mph


A soldier who was clocked driving at more than 100mph on a dual carriagewa­y the day after his baby was born retained his driving licence yesterday.

Keith Smith, who lives in Arabella, Easter Ross, but is based at Fort George, was stopped by officers on speed detection patrol on the A9 near the Tore roundabout on February 15.

He admitted travelling at 105mph in the 70mph zone.

But Inverness Sheriff Court heard yesterday that his partner had given birth two weeks prematurel­y the day before after a routine visit to Raigmore Hospital in Inverness.

Defence solicitor Marc Dickson said: “Matters took a dramatic turn at a routine appointmen­t when it became apparent that the unborn child appeared to be in some distress.

“An emergency procedure had to be undertaken and the baby was delivered successful­ly."

Mr Dickson said his client spent the night with his partner and child but had to return home the following evening to pick up items for her.

“He accepts he should not have driven at that speed. He was overtaking slower vehicles and he moderated his speed afterwards.

“He travels 600 miles a week and requires his licence not only for his work but to transport his wife and baby to the hospital."

Sheriff Margaret Neilson agreed not to disqualify him from driving but fined 23-year-old Smith £400 and endorsed his licence with eight penalty points.

“He accepts he should not have driven at that speed”

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