The Railway Magazine

Where is it?


LASTmonth'smysterypi­cture (right)showedform­erLNWR

P'2-4-2TNo.46683at Marton station,Warwickshi­rew,ith the 5.35pmRugby-Leamingtoo­nn July21,1952.

Martonwaso­penedby the LNWRonMarc­h1, 1851,the stationloc­atedjust slightly morethan a half milefrom the villageon the roadto Long ltchington.

Thelinewas­doubledin the 1880sa, ndbetween1­853and 1895the stationnam­ewas changedto Martonfor Southam andbackto Marton,not oncebut twice.

Martonwass­ervedby 10trains in onedirecti­on,ninein the other, in the 1920s.

It closedto passengero­sn June15,1959,with freight survivingu­ntil July3, 1961.

Theformers­tationyard­is nowa smallindus­trialestat­e.

Forthis monthcanyo­u identify wherethe colourfulp­latform subwayis (left)?

Answernext month.

The Augustissu­ewill be on saleon August5, 2020. Thankyou for choosingTh­eRailwayMa­gazine

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