The Scarborough News

Opinions dismissed by leader


I attended last Tuesday’s Cabinet meeting, as public toilets were on the agenda.

I wanted to put forward a public point of view.

The public are “allowed” a mere two minutes - reduced from three - under the heading “Making Your Views Heard,” where “they can ask a question about any of the reports to be considered at a Cabinet meeting if the question is submitted to the chief executive in writing or by email at least two working days before the meeting.”

The Cabinet’s reports are only made available to the public five working days before the meeting.

I duly followed protocol. But, having asked my question, was interrupte­d by the leader, Cllr Bastiman, and not allowed to give any background to my question - to “make my view heard.”

As can be seen on the webcast, I was denied my two minutes and summarily dismissed.

As was made clear, there was no need for public input; they had already made their decisions.

A non-Cabinet councillor in attendance had the decency to reproach Cllr Bastiman - something not done often enough saying she thought the member of the public “was treated in a rather dismissive way.”

I also recently, in “Making Your Views Heard,” asked the Cabinet, concerning gulls, to consider posting signs saying Don’t Feed the Gulls as a first resort rather than £35,500 a year for at least three years using hawks.

Of course they’re going with the hawks, and the signage they haveposted­saysyourfo­odisnot their food - don’t litter. Nowhere does it say, don’t feed the gulls.

This Cabinet frequently claims to be listening and transparen­t. I think only they believe that self-indulgent claim.

They do not regard the public voice - the Futurist comes to mind.

I fully support the pending and various votes of No confidence in the Cabinet and the leader of the borough council.

We need a listening, transparen­t Cabinet, not the one we have, which is composed of six Conservati­ves and two carefully chosen, compliant Independen­ts. They may disagree with my opinion, but I can’t tell the difference. Daphne Barr Prince of Wales Terrace Scarboroug­h tional website School Cuts: uk or ids=1015444467­9771969&fb_ action_types=og.shares#!/ email-your-candidates I hope that your story has an impact in the Scarboroug­h area, an area which can ill afford to have education cut.

Robert Gay Conyers Ings West Ayton

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