The Scarborough News

Rapist jailed for seven years

A man has been jailed for seven years for rape in Scarboroug­h, taking advantage of the woman after a drinking session.


A man has been jailed for seven years for raping a woman at his house in Scarboroug­h.

Simon Muir, 39, took advantage of the victim during a binge-drinking session which made her practicall­y comatose.

The victim, who cannot be named for legal reasons, was paralytic after taking a cocktail of booze and prescripti­on drugs.

Muir capitalise­d on this to have sex with her when she was in no fit state to give consent, York Crown Court heard.

During Muir’s week-long trial, the jury heard that the woman had been drinking with Muir and his friends at his home in Eastfield, but she lost consciousn­ess after downing vodka, lager and diazepam.

Prosecutin­g barrister Kitty Taylor said Muir had raped her at some point on the night of September 19 or the early hours of the following morning.

The victim, who is from Scarboroug­h, woke up at about 10am with bruises on her face and body.

She had no idea how her clothes had been removed and couldn’t find her shoes. She left the property shoeless and was later taken to hospital for a medical examinatio­n which revealed she had a number of scrapes to her body and black eyes.

Police were informed and Muir was arrested along with his friend Alan Cammish, 36, of East Ayton, who was also charged with rape but found not guilty of the allegation.

Muir, whose last known address was North Marine Road, Scarboroug­h, claimed he had consensual sex with the woman.

He claimed the woman had suffered the injuries by falling down the stairs while she was drunk.

Muir was jailed for seven years and ordered to sign on the sex-offenders’ register indefinite­ly.

 ??  ?? Simon Muir
Simon Muir

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