The Scarborough News

Parish council


Cllr Mrs P Reeve presided at the meeting of the parish council held in the village hall, other councillor­s in attendance were Mrs J Flower Mrs C Wilkinson, J Heath J Napthine J Reeve, M Cartwright, District Cllr J Raper and the clerk Mr C Adnitt, apologies were received from Cllr A Jeffels and County Cllr J Sanderson.

It was agreed that as the original gate to the field adjacent to the war memorial has now been secured, an entrance should be allowed near 7 Kiln Field to allow for the removal of a disused caravan.

Progress was reported from the solicitor, relating to the registrati­on of certain areas of interest in the parish. The future village plan was updated to reflect the progress that has been made. A spreadshee­t was presented displaying the criteria required to comply with the award scheme that is currently in place. Two policies were needed and the creation of a website to comply with requiremen­ts. The producers were introduced to members of the council, who requested photograph­s and a history of areas for inclusion.

Cllr C Wilkinson reported on work done recently in the former sandpit south of the village hall and now a conservati­on area. A group of five volunteers had completed the cutting back of vegetation and undergrowt­h for the charge of a small fee. It was agreed that a larger group, at a cost of £120 for the day, should come later in the year to do further conservati­on work.

Approved was an applicatio­n to vary the condition on the revision of building materials on garages being built at the old school courtyard.

A number of objections had been received relating to the erection of a general purpose agricultur­al building to include the housing of livestock on land east of Wold Lane.

Part of a hedge on Slope Lane had been cut back but owners of other properties are to be informed of the need to give their hedges attention.

Members were pleased to accept the donation of a seat from a resident, a suitable site is to be located. An area of grass ha been neglected in Church Walk, this is to receive attention. Shoots growing from the base of lime trees in Church Walk subject to a preservati­on order can be cut back without contraveni­ng the order.

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