The Scarborough News

Protesters’ chants were not aggressive


I am writing to you to express disappoint­ment with regard to the article on the Linden Homes proposed developmen­t of up to 260 houses being built in Seamer village, behind Ayton road and Napier Crescent.

Residents of Seamer and Irton came together as we are all anxious given the proposed developmen­t.

As part of this a number of residents went to Seamer Memorial Hall to review the proposal for the housing estate.

This was open to the public on Monday 4 July from 3pm until 7pm.

At 6.49pm residents were stood outside the memorial hall with objection banners peacefully showcasing their concerns and disagreeme­nt with the proposal.

It then started to rain heavily which at this point we moved into the Memorial hall for shelter.

There was roughly 60-70 residents not the 200 stated.

Also many of the residents where elderly and needed to sit down for a few minutes hence going inside felt like the most suitable option. Not at any point in the 11 minutes left for the viewings did any resident stop the plans being showcased.

Many residents were frustrated by the lack of profession­alism and knowledge and in all honesty lack of empathy with how this proposal could affect their lives, local facilities and homes.

Residents took the decision to wait outside to showcase their objections at 7pm, yes we peacefully chanted “Save our Seamer” and “We Object”.

But this was not in an aggressive way, nor were we blocking individual­s from leaving the Memorial hall.

We were shocked that four police officers arrived, given it was a peaceful protest.

As residents we have a right to express our views and concerns – which is exactly what we did, in a profession­al and civilised manner.

Everybody I have spoken to who has read the article residents were branded as thugs – granted this was not stated outright, but it was implied. Marlene Parnell Ayton Road

Irton woodland trust or in the board. Some say Raincliffe Wood Community Enterprise has treated me wrongly, I can live with that.

Only last week a letter from the chairman told me that if I didn’t stop criticisin­g the board I would be put off as a member.

I myself obtained a £15,000 grant to set up Raincliffe Wood Community Enterprise and timber was there as a secondary income.

In my view, Raincliffe Wood Community Enterprise has lost the respect of the community and I feel they should be a full and open public meeting, chaired by someone outside of Raincliffe Wood Community Enterprise, Woodland Trust, and Hill Holt Wood. John Bradley Scarboroug­h

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