The Scarborough News

Healing with humour


Laughter and humour were the topics under discussion at last week’s Forty Club meeting. The Rev Graham Morgan is the superinten­dent minister for Methodist churches on the North Yorkshire coast, 22 in all from Filey to Whitby and across the Wolds to Snainton.

His childhood was marred by family deaths and he chose humour as a way of healing himself and others. He was called to the ministry rather than as a Butlin’s Redcoat and uses humour to make Christiani­ty more appealing and fun. The Bible has quite a few references to laughter and it is likely that Jesus enjoyed a chuckle with his disciples along the way.

Laughter reduces stress and is good for the soul. Graham has produced three books of jokes and appeared on Sky TV. He said you do have to be careful and sensitive as some people are hurting and may not appreciate your sense of humour.

Graham read out a very funny list of church notices with typos and children’s bizarre explanatio­ns of the Bible and Christiani­ty. Once members in the room had dried their eyes from laughter they began to cross examine the speaker on his topic and recall some of their own humorous one-liners.

Graham revealed that in his job he has many responsibi­lities that can be stressful and not enjoyable but he always has his belief to fall back on and a sense of humour to lighten the load. Mr Staniforth gave the vote of thanks to our chairman and president, Mr King, and to the speaker for a wonderful finish to our winter debating season.

The Scarboroug­h Forty Club will resume again in October 2017.

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