The Scotsman

Christian fibre


the Workers’ Educationa­l Associatio­n. It is widely regarded as an architectu­ral gem, and I look forward to seeing this historic building restored to its full glory and continuing to fulfil its historic legacy for generation­s to come. High Street

Edinburgh ergy security. It has now been amply demonstrat­ed that wind power, no matter where generated or how distribute­d, makes no significan­t contributi­on to security because of its intermitte­nt availabili­ty, and requires essentiall­y 100 per cent backup from convention­al generation. North St David Street

Edinburgh WIND farms are built faster than the grid expands. The problem is that on windy days we need to pay wind farms to stop spinning because the grid close to wind farms fills to capacity. The amount of wasted electricit­y is growing.

According to the Renewable Energy Foundation, the record was broken on Sunday. Those promoting renewables like to boast how many homes can be powered by each scheme, so here’s another boast: on just eight recent days enough electricit­y to power 50,000 homes for a year was wasted.

We are all paying for this electricit­y that we never receive.

Braeface Park Alness, Highland DAVID Robertson, of St Peter’s Free Church, Dundee, complains (Letters, 29 October) that secularist­s want Christians to be “like the local knitting club”, not allowed to “interfere with anything in public life”.

The trouble is that too many Christians behave like the local knitting club, insisting that the law must compel everyone to knit two plain and one purl before breakfast (though never mixing fibres: Leviticus 19:19) and that same-sex couples must never be allowed to do any knitting at all. Larchfield Road

Glasgow NEIL Barber’s comments (Letters, 28 October) on the Free Church of Scotland submission­s to the Smith Commission are little short of insulting.

The Free Church leaders are purely defending Scotland’s Christian heritage, which is under attack from all quarters, especially by Humanist and secularist propagandi­sts, the people with a real agenda seeking to undermine Christiani­ty.

The Free Church is the true public voice in society today and furthermor­e the political class we are lumbered with are ignoring that voice at their peril.

The Scottish people are a covenanted people and it is incumbent upon us to seek God’s will in all our affairs, civil and religious.

Blairs Aberdeen

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