The Scotsman

Public ‘want to see Blair punished’ says top Tory as MPS prepare for Commons motion


Show, Mr Corbyn said he had “reached out in a way no other leader has” in an attempt to unite all parts of the party.

“I’m expecting to be on the ballot paper because the rules of the party indicate that the existing leader, if challenged, should be on the ballot paper anyway,” he said.

He added that he would be prepared to go to court if the NEC ruled he would not automatica­lly be on the leadership ballot.

“I will challenge that if that is the view they take,” he said.

He added that he was “disappoint­ed” by Ms Eagle’s stance but it would be “irresponsi­ble” for him to quit because of the mandate he had been given by members. The public want to see Tony Blair punished, a senior Tory has said as MPS prepare a Commons motion to find the former prime minister in contempt of Parliament.

David Davis said “quite a lot” of MPS already support the motion, which will claim Mr Blair deceived MPS over the invasion. He intends to put the motion before Speaker John Bercow on Thursday, and if granted, MPS could debate it on 18 or 19 July, before parliament breaks up for the summer.

Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn has indicated he will back the motion, saying he “probably would” support the effort to find a parliament­ary way to hold the former prime minister to account.

Green Party MP Caroline Lucas was one of the group behind the parliament­a-

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