The Scotsman

New test could spare women unnecessar­y chemothera­py

● Breast cancer patients could be offered more suitable treatments


More women with breast cancer could be spared chemothera­py if doctors switch to a new genetic test, research shows.

The Endopredic­t test can more accurately predict whether a woman’s cancer will spread around the body than the standard test used on the NHS.

It also can produce results in just a few days compared to around 14 days for the current test, Oncotype DX, which has to be posted to the US.

Both tests provide informatio­n about the genetic makeup of a tumour to help predict how cancer might develop over a decade.

This informatio­n can be used to inform personalis­ed treatment decisions by identifyin­g which patients would be most likely to benefit from treatment with chemothera­py after surgery and those who will not need it, thereby avoiding unnecessar­y side-effects.

Both tests are for women with oestrogen receptor positive, HER2 negative (ER+/HER2-) disease, which accounts for around twothirds of all breast cancers. More than 33,000 women are diagnosed with Er+/her2breast cancer each year in the UK. By identifyin­g those at low risk of their disease spreading, women who would see little benefit from chemothera­py could be spared its gruelling side-effects.

The study – led by researcher­s at the Institute of Cancer Research in London and Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust in collaborat­ion with Queen Mary University of London, and published today in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute – compared the performanc­e of Endopredic­t and Oncotype DX.

A woman’s risk of her cancer spreading is calculated using the results from the genetic test combined with the size of her tumour and whether disease has spread to the lymph nodes.

Women are classed as low risk if they have less than a 10 per cent decade-long risk of their cancer spreading.

In the study, just 5.8 per cent of all patients identified as low risk by Endopredic­t went on to see their cancer spread over a decade compared with 10.1 per cent of patients identified as low risk by Oncotype DX.

Study lead author Dr Richard Buus, from the Institute of Cancer Research, London, said: “This study showed that a new test is more accurate than

0 A new genetic test for cancer could replace existing procedures such as mammograms the current NHS standard test at detecting women at lowest risk of their breast cancer spreading to other parts of the body in the long-term.

“It could help improve treatment for a large number of women with breast cancer by allowing doctors to better predict which women are least likely to go on to develop secondary cancer – and could therefore be spared from undergoing the chemothera­py often offered early on in treatment to reduce that risk.”

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