The Scotsman

Law on workplace dress codes still up in the air

Europe’s top court is about to rule on a hugely contentiou­s issue, says Caroline Maher


There is a trend at the moment for clothing to raise some intriguing legal questions.

Hot on the heels of the outcry over a receptioni­st whose employer asked her to leave the workplace for refusing to wear high heels, is the case of Samira Achbita. She was dismissed by a Belgian security services company (G4S) for refusing to remove her headscarf whilst at work, thereby flouting G4S’S ban on any visible religious, political or philosophi­cal symbols in the workplace.

Ms Achbita’s claim for direct and indirect discrimina­tion was referred to Europe’s top court, the European Court of Justice (ECJ), to determine whether such bans are legal under EU rules. This in itself raises interestin­g questions in this post-brexit referendum age as to where such issues pertaining to the UK will be considered in the future, and illustrate­s the current important role of the ECJ in domestic issues.

The ECJ’S Advocate General recently issued opinion on the Achbita case, which whilst non-binding, gives us a clear indication of how the ECJ will rule in the final judgment expected later this year.

The ECJ opinion stated that such bans are justifiabl­e in certain circumstan­ces. The reasoning behind this appears to have been based on this: “While an employee cannot ‘leave’ his sex, skin colour, ethnicity, sexual orientatio­n, age or disability ‘at the door’ upon entering his employer’s premises, he may be expected to moderate the exercise of his religion in the workplace.”

The opinion goes on to state that there was no direct discrimina­tion as the dress code applied to all employees equally and unlike other protect- ed characteri­stics, the active expression of a religious belief is a matter of choice.

This is an interestin­g point as it appears to open the door to there being a hierarchy of protected characteri­stics, with race and age receiving a greater level of protection compared to religion or belief, for example.

It clear that this could be a contentiou­s stance as some would argue that they should not have to show flexibilit­y or restraint in relation to how they express their religious beliefs whilst at work. The opinion also failed to acknowledg­e that such an approach would clearly affect some religions more than others.

It is a complex and contentiou­s matter, and only likely to get more complex and contentiou­s.

Our society is undergoing seismic shifts, and at the heart of that is both an expanding multicultu­ralism and a perhaps unpreceden­ted mainstream hostility to and suspicion of religions of all stripes.

Throw in the fact that we are entering uncharted waters as regards the United Kingdom’s imminent divorce from the continent, and it’s safe to say that predicting the next big thing on the catwalks of Milan will be considerab­ly easier than guessing what might be de rigueur in the workplace five years from now. l Caroline Maher is an associate with CCW Business Lawyers, specialisi­ng in employment law

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