The Scotsman

Labour pains


Kezia Dugdale is living in cloud cuckooland if she thinks Scotland can be in both the EU and in the UK.

As someone who stopped voting Labour when Tony Blair took us into a war that is the single cause of terrorism in western Europe, it is beyond my belief that the same Blairites and Brownites – including Scotland’s only Labour MP, Ian Murray – are conducting an orchestrat­ed coup to depose the democratic­ally elected leader of the Labour Party in the vain hope that it will improve their fortunes.

Do these Labour MPS seriously think that backing the Tories in wasting billions of Scottish taxes on useless nuclear weapons of mass destructio­n will gain more support?

In May, the SNP was elected by 47 per cent of voters, a mandate that the London parties can only dream of, and with all but a handful of Scottish MPS at Westminste­r the case for independen­ce is further strengthen­ed after Brexit. Yet despite this, the BBC TV Question Time editors, who normally reflect Westminste­r representa­tion, have snubbed the SNP for the last two weeks when the SNP, as thirdlarge­st party at Westminste­r, has a valid alternativ­e viewpoint on the EU, Iraq and nuclear weapons.

The case for continuing London rule and control of our broadcasti­ng output no longer has any democratic mandate. MARY THOMAS Watson Crescent


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