The Scotsman

Property market has picked up

● Buyer inquiries stabilise and mortgage approvals rebound as market recovers from jitters seen ahead of EU referendum


Simon Rubinsohn, chief economist at the Royal Institutio­n of Chartered Surveyors (Rics), said: “The vote was a surprise, and what you found was that there was, as is often the case with a shock to any market, there’s a degree of paralysis that creeps in.

“It’s understand­able, because people are making a very big decision with buying a house and they don’t know many things – they don’t know what that means for interest rates, they don’t know if there’s going to be mortgage funding around, they don’t know whether it means there’s going to be job losses, job gains. These sorts of uncertaint­ies are always associated with big, political events.”

Mr Rubinson said swift action from the Bank of England had helped to support confidence.

He said: “What we’ve seen in our last survey in August is a more stable trend in activity – so we saw sales agreed stop falling and stabilise. We also saw buyer inquiries beginning to steady, having fallen for a couple of months.

“So that’s a signal that perhaps people are no longer getting more and more worried, they’re beginning to see some light and they think that there is perhaps a bit more opportunit­y.”

He said what came out “loud and clear” from comments in the Rics August survey was that underlying factors in the market had returned to what they were before the referendum, with surveyors reporting concerns over a lack of housing stock and tax issues for investors.

Mr Rubinsohn said the full impact of Brexit on the economy may not be known for up to two years, “possibly more”.

Asked if he thought some people may just have decided to get on with their lives, he said: “I think that’s absolutely right … What dawned on people over time was actually that Brexit is a drawn-out process. It isn’t going to happen overnight.”

He continued: “People have just said, ‘Let’s get on with things.’ That doesn’t mean that we’re going to see a sharp uplift in activity but I think we are going to see a pick-up in activity over the coming months.”

Mr Rubinsohn said the first three months of 2016 had already seen strong activity as buy-to-let investors rushed to beat a stamp duty hike that came into force for this sector on 1 April. Many of the homes snapped up before the tax hike may otherwise have been purchased later in the year. He said: “The second quarter was always going to be a softer quarter.”

And house price expectatio­ns have now started to pick up “in most parts of the country,” he said.

Mark Hayward, managing director of National Associatio­n of Estate Agents (NAEA), said falls in the levels of sales and inquiries were seen immediatel­y after the referendum vote.

But he said a pick-up in activity has started, and having spoken to the NAEA’S members across the UK, “generally there are good levels of activity and good levels of sales”.

Mr Hayward said there is now “more realism in the market”, adding “If a property is priced correctly, it will sell”.

He continued: “There is slight caution, but that caution has interest behind it. But it’s not so frenetic in terms of, ‘I need to do this quickly’.

“At least now, you have a little time to think about whether you want to buy a property – but we’ve still got a dire lack of stock on the market.”

Meanwhile, the European head of Airbnb yesterday hit back at claims that the home rental service is driving up property prices in London.

Olivier Gremillon said: “There have been a few studies done by academics which said, no it doesn’t really increase the price of housing. There is a housing shortage in London [but] is it because of Airbnb? No. There are a lot of other reasons.”

0 The housing market picked up speed again after being sluggish

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