The Scotsman

Ban on bin men taking gifts of cash or alcohol

● Union chiefs are looking into ban imposed by East Dunbartons­hire


Bin men have reacted with anger to news that they are banned from accepting Christmas gifts of alcohol or cash from residents.

Refuse collectors for East Dunbartons­hire Council say they have been forced to sign “anti-bribery” agreements.

Tommy Robertson of Unison said: “The draft policy said gifts of alcohol or offers of hospitalit­y however small should not be ‘automatica­lly’ accepted by employees.

“The omission of the word ‘automatica­lly’ was never made known to the Trade Unions prior to this policy being accepted.”

Angry bin men say they have been forced to sign “anti-bribery” agreements banning them from accepting gifts of alcohol or cash for Christmas.

Refuse collectors have hit out at the new agreement which bars them from accepting alcohol or tips from grateful residents.

They can still receive biscuits or sweets but have raised concerns that the new agreement could mar the festive season.

And union chiefs are now making inquiries to see what can be done about the rule imposed by bosses at East Dunbartons­hire Council.

One man, who works at the council’s Hilton Road depot, said: “The men get good tips at Christmas and I’m sure it helps them a lot at this time of year.

“It’s the only time of year the boys get appreciati­on from members of the public.

“Some of them may be living on the breadline and rely on these gifts for Christmas.

“They may be using tips to buy their weans a few extra Christmas presents or buy some luxuries for the festive season.

“This seems very mean spirited to me and I don’t understand why anyone would try to bribe bin men anyway. “What could be achieved? “It seems very unfair that these men now risk losing their jobs if they accept a gift of alcohol or money from someone.”

But the council’s depute chief executive, Ann Davie, said: “The council’s anti-bribery policy was developed in line with our approach to Partnershi­p at Work and was approved by council earlier this year.

“It also reflects the requiremen­ts of the Bribery Act 2010.

“The council is wholly committed to preventing bribery and corruption in all its dealings and relationsh­ips and as a result all employees across all council services are forbidden from offering or accepting bribes or unlawful induce- ments to or from anyone for any purpose. All employees have been advised that if they have any doubt at all about circumstan­ces that they find themselves in, they should seek advice immediatel­y from their line manager.”

But a spokespers­on for the East Dunbartons­hire branch of Unison says the wording of the new rules has been changed without their agreement.

Union representa­tive Tommy Robertson said: “The draft policy said gifts of alcohol or offers of hospitalit­y however small should not be ‘automatica­lly’ accepted by employees.

“The omission of the word ‘automatica­lly’ was never made known to the Trade Unions prior to this policy being accepted by the council.

“We are now making inquiries.”

“The council is wholly committed to preventing bribery and corruption in all its dealings and relationsh­ips”

 ??  ?? 0 Refuse workers can still receive biscuits or sweets but have raised concerns that the new agreement could mar the festive season
0 Refuse workers can still receive biscuits or sweets but have raised concerns that the new agreement could mar the festive season

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