The Scotsman

Time for truth


We always know where Lesley Riddoch is going with her pro-independen­ce publicity column (Perspectiv­e, 9 January). However, yesterday’s contributi­on was so risibly onesided and full of holes that it cannot be allowed to go unchalleng­ed.

At the heart of her piece, Ms Riddoch persists in the myth and the SNP diktat that the Scottish electorate voted overwhelmi­ngly in favour of Remain. In fact, based on the result and the 67 per cent turnout, only 41 per cent of enfranchis­ed Scots voted that way. Thus, 59 per cent either voted Leave or couldn’t give a monkey’s either way. Riddoch later says that those of us who voted “out” were just “wrong”. Her audacity is breathtaki­ng and a little frightenin­g.

We aren’t fooled by the SNP’S and Sturgeon’s stance on the EU referendum vote. It is a godsend, a giant stick to stir up mock indignatio­n in support of independen­ce.

Ms Riddoch convenient­ly omits to mention that the question on the referendum was whether the UK, not Scotland, should remain in the EU. She also tells us that the present, flatlined 45 per cent support for independen­ce is so without any campaignin­g in the media for the goal. Who is she kidding? Every utterance from the SNP apparatus is aimed at the Party’s raison d’etre, whereas the reverse is true and there has been absolutely no campaignin­g for the Union – just as, very significan­tly, there was not a single murmur from any quarter for Scotland to leave the EU.

I could argue against much more in Ms Riddoch’s piece but space prohibits this. I‘ll just look forward to her next piece as she always provides me with a good laugh.

DAVID K ALLAN The Square, Mainshill Haddington, East Lothian

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