The Scotsman

Those crying ‘fake news’ should look in the mirror

Alistair Bonnington argues that politician­s and journalist­s regularly spin and distort the facts


Since the election of Donald Trump there has been much angst about ‘fake news’. The concern comes mostly from politician­s and journalist­s. This is both surprising and hypocritic­al.

Firstly, over the past few decades, politician­s themselves have been the principal source of ‘spun’, distorted or downright inaccurate news. In all democracie­s, armies of journalist­s, paid for by the public purse, are employed by the political party in government as ‘special advisers’. Their function is to ensure positive coverage for the ruling party. Plainly, the facts will often be against them. In such circumstan­ces, they just lie.

Secondly, non-government journalist­s cannot claim to have clean hands. Although we are fortunate in this country to have some of the most hard-working, responsibl­e and accurate journalist­s on the planet, we also have some tabloid newspapers which regularly peddle, at best, distorted versions of the truth.

Of course, newspaper journalist­s and internet journalist­s do not operate under the strict legally enforceabl­e regulatory regime of political impartiali­ty, accuracy and fairness which binds broadcast news. Maybe we should not expect the truth from print. But newspaper journalist­s subscribe to a press code which includes fairness and accuracy, and claim to adhere to it.

The background to the concern on fake news from politician­s and journalist­s is crucial to understand what is happening. Politician­s are appalled at Donald Trump’s success over a lifelong profession­al party politician in America. Many claim that part of the reason for his success was fake news on social media and the internet. Many accuse Russia of creating fake news to support Trump. Meanwhile President Trump claims that much of the American media are producing fake news.

In 2016, journalist­s made themselves look foolish with hopelessly wrong prediction­s of the outcomes of the UK general Election, the EU referendum and the US presidenti­al election. It is in their interests to blame ‘fake news’ for their huge errors.

Scotland has its own share of this mess in the demented ‘Cybernats’ – sad sacks who classify news outlets failing to accord slavish adulation to nationalis­m as fake news.

Due to modern technology we will never stop the evil, the mad and politicall­y inimical regimes from producing and disseminat­ing fake news. There is nothing new in this. The correct approach is to look to a mature legal system which, unlike Scotland, values free speech – namely America. The wise words of Justice Billings Learned Hand in a First Amendment (free speech) case in 1943 say it all: “The First Amendment… presuppose­s that right conclusion­s are more likely to be gathered out of a multitude of tongues, than through any kind of authoritat­ive selection. To many this is, and always will be folly; but we have staked upon it our all.”

In democracie­s that’s where we are today, have been in the past, and always will be. ● Alistair Bonnington is former in-house Counsel to BBC Scotland.

 ??  ?? 0 Donald Trump’s election has sparked an outcry over fake news
0 Donald Trump’s election has sparked an outcry over fake news

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