The Scotsman

Two child benefit cap ‘borders on eugenics’, claims teaching union


A teaching union has condemned the two-child cap for tax credits and the so-called rape clause.

Educationa­l Institute of Scotland (EIS) president-elect Nicola Fisher said the policy “borders on eugenics”.

The UK government policy limits families to claiming tax credits for their first two children.

One of the exemptions is the so-called ‘’rape clause’’, which requires women to prove their third child was conceived through rape or during an abusive relationsh­ip to qualify for the benefit.

Ms Fisher moved a motion calling for support for the campaign against the cap and condemning the rape clause on the grounds it will compound poverty and deprivatio­n and further traumatise women who have been subject to sexual violence, which was passed at the EIS National Council. She said: “This policy is nothing short of shameful and borders on eugenics.

“It is certainly an attempt at social engineerin­g.”

Scottish Conservati­ve social security spokesman Adam Tomkins said: “The changes to child tax credits will only apply to new claimants, so noone who was claiming them before this change will lose money.

“Child benefit will continue to be provided for as many children as families have.”

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