The Scotsman



1. Which art gallery in Millbank, London, was named after a philanthro­pist who helped finance its constructi­on? Of which English county is Truro the administra­tive centre? Which band had hits with Pictures of You and Friday I'm in Love? At which sport was Ray Reardon world champion six times in the 1970s? What is the capital of Turkey? Which of the twelve Apostles is known as 'Doubting' because he refused to believe in the Resurrecti­on until he had seen and touched Christ? Which US president delivered the Gettysburg Address in 1863? Which is the largest island in Japan? Which term describes an industry in which the market is supplied by one supplier? 10. The magnitude of which phenomena is

measured according to the Richter Scale?




5. 6.


8. 9.

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