The Scotsman

Time for talking is over – Britain must now get tough with Islamic extremists


Another atrocity in London, with seven people killed in a barbaric, monstrous attack and what does the government do? Suspend election campaignin­g.

Campaignin­g should be happening more than ever, with someone telling us what the solution to this evil is. Terrorists hate democracy, so the government are playing into their hands.

I do not believe that there is any leader up to the job of being Prime Minister; it needs someone with backbone, the solution is simple: expel or jail the 3,000 alleged extremists on watchlists, and put a ban on Muslim immigratio­n.

It seems the government is taking the Metropolit­an Police advice to anyone caught up in a terrorist attack: Run, Hide and Tell, or in the case of this weak government – talk! How many more Cobra meetings does there need to be before someone has the courage to take radical action? The time for talking is over. GORDON KENNEDY Simpson Square, Perth Yet more terrorist atrocities. When will politician­s admit that we are fighting a war of survival in the United Kingdom and Europe against those perverting Islam, a religion of peace, for their own plans for world domination?

The West must immediatel­y introduce appropriat­e measures.

These would include banning people entering Europe and the United Kingdom from countries which are hostile towards us.

President Trump is pursuing this course of action against six countries.

Those planning terrorism – and MI5 say there are 23,000 suspects in the United Kingdom – should immediatel­y be interred.

Those who commit or plan terrorist attacks and hold British passports are guilty of treason, and I understand that this still carries the death penalty.

Foreign terrorists should be similarly treated. Prisons only breed more terrorists.

I am certain that these actions would be welcomed by the millions of real Muslims in Europe and the United Kingdom who follow their religion of peace and are shocked that their religion has been tainted and disrespect­ed by these monsters.

CLARK CROSS Springfiel­d Road, Linlithgow

It is now time that we stopped giving these people any sense of moral, religious or political credence by calling them Islamic terrorists.

They are no more than ungodly, uncaring, callous, cowardly, murderous monsters who by their actions have turned their backs on and insulted their god, prophet and religion; as do those who support them.

PAUL LEWIS Guardwell Crescent, Edinburgh

Given recent events and the influx of Syrian “fighters’’ back in the United Kingdom, there must be many thinking Guantanamo was not such a bad idea after all.

ALEXANDER MCKAY New Cut Rigg, Edinburgh

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