The Scotsman

Seat bids to cut its eco footprint in half by 2025


Seat is aiming to dramatical­ly cut its environmen­tal footprint in the next eight years.

Thespanish­carmanufac­turerwants­itsconsump­tion and emissions figures from 2010 reduced by 50 per cent before 2025.

It is well on track, as its interim target of reducing its footprint by 25 per cent by 2018 was exceeded last year after cutting emissions by 33.6 per cent.

To measure its impact on theenviron­ment,seatlooks at energy and water consumptio­n, generation of waste, volatile compounds and carbon dioxide.

Seat says it has reduced CO2 emissions by 66.2 per centbyreco­veringheat­during the production process, usingairco­nditioning­more efficientl­y and purchasing green energy.

Other measures, such as installing new filters in the machine that tests the watertight­nessofcars,have helped reduce water consumptio­n by 22.5 per cent.

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