The Scotsman



Teachers are personally providing food, uniforms and school trips for children living in poverty a survey says There are just over 50,000 teachers employed in Scotland and we are reading a story based on the feedback from 288? We get these stories every year, teachers are overworked, deal with poverty, spend their own money, are expected to change nappies etc. etc. Just watch them soak up the sun during their 6 or 7 weeks of holiday.

– Yoker Yodeller

For as long as the measure is “relative poverty” i.e. a percentage of average income, then poverty will never be eradicated. it is self-prolonging. As soon as one group is lifted above the average then the average itself is elevated and another group find themselves below it.

– Paul Holywood

Perhaps we need to find out how exactly this poverty is defined. What are these families spending their income on? It could be useful in determinin­g if they are poor or just spending their money unwisely. We need to look in more detail into poverty and help those who are in REAL poverty rather than those of LIFESTYLE poverty.

– wmac

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