The Scotsman

Alex and ‘friends’


Alex Salmond has described his former best chum, ‘The Donald’ Trump as a “nincompoop”.

However, as another politician, Mr Salmond has made something of his predictive capacity, yet without fail, he has got every prediction that comes to mind wrong.

Alex Salmond failed to lead Scotland off a cliff-edge into a void without membership of the EU or the UK, although he was “confident” that he would succeed. Generation­s of Scots will thank those of us who voted ‘No’ for our good sense and realizatio­n that Mr Salmond was talking through a lower part of his anatomy.

Now, Mr Salmond is to be an Aunt Sally and to stand upon a stage and be an entertaine­r. That is a much safer place for all of us and should bring him within range of a few wellaimed tomatoes, I suspect.

Oh, yes. Donald Trump, the “nincompoop”? Well, he certainly seems to view the world through the wrong end of the telescope. I don’t know where he buys his hair and he is the only member of the orange race I know, but he ended up becoming President of the United States of America. By comparison, ira th er think that Mr Salmond’s poop has been very much nincomed.

ANDREW HN GRAY Craiglea Drive, Edinburgh

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