The Scotsman

Fair play, Michelle


Michelle Thompson can rightly feel aggrieved against the SNP, given that she got kicked out of the party when there was no evidence against her and she was ultimately found to be innocent of all accusation­s.

Nicola Sturgeon and her husband Peter Murrell along with the small cabal that control the SNP are known to suffocate any dissenting voices. Maybe they should practice what they preach and stand up against spurious accusation­s made against members of the party for nothing more than political gain and nothing whatsoever to do with truth.

Sturgeon has become complacent and happy to tread the same path as the other parties.

The SNP under Sturgeon and Murrell has become just another mainstream party and have lost the ‘edge’ they had which made them popular with Joe Bloggs.

My advice to Sturgeon would be to move away from courting the title of the ‘Selfie Queen’, put indyref back on the table and get back to basics or stand aside and let someone with clear vision put the SNP back to the forefront of Scottish politics.

Loyalty goes two ways Nicola – starting with your colleagues.

ALAN BARBOUR Lower Granton Road, Edinburgh

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