The Scotsman

Clean-up time


MP Douglas Ross is quite right to say that travellers should be prosecuted for the damage and destructio­n they do wherever they set up illegal camps on land without any permission (your report, 23 August).

This problem has been the scourge of Scotland for many years and persistent­ly ignored by the SNP administra­tion, leaving cash-strapped local authoritie­s to tackle the problem any way they can.

I have seen at first hand the damage these travellers can do and the terrible mess of litter and human sewage they leave behind them as they are evicted, while enjoying full immunity from the law as police take no action against them despite the criminal damage they do.

It’s a complete disgrace to Scotland which simply goes on and on and the SNP administra­tion should take decisive action to end the situation instead of sitting on their hands.


Mugiemoss Road Bucksburn, Aberdeen

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