The Scotsman

Starring role for furniture firm in new royal movie


0 Dame Judi Dench and Ali Fazal, who plays Abdul Karim, in a scene from Victoria & Abdul A Scottish vintage furniture specialist is set to see its name in the credits in a new film about Queen Victoria.

Scaramanga, based in Cupar, has supplied props including trunks and leather boxes for Victoria & Abdul, the sixth major movie which the firm has been involved with in the past five years.

Carl Morenikeji, who founded the company 11 years ago, said: “This is our largest and most diverse movie supply role yet and for it to be a ‘royal’ film too with such a distin- guished cast makes it extra special.”

The film, which opens at cinemas today, tells the true story of the unlikely friendship between Queen Victoria, played by Dame Judi Dench, and young clerk Abdul Karim who becomes her teacher, spiritual adviser and devoted friend after being sent from India in 1887 to present her with a ceremonial medal for her Golden Jubilee.

A number of scenes for the film have been shot in the Highlands.

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