The Scotsman


Poppy, 11, wrote to the education secretary after her class was left without a teacher


Recruitmen­t can only go so far. Retaining teachers through good salaries, smaller workload and most importantl­y, support from administra­tion should be acted on. - Christi Gilmore

Cutting 4000 teachers and cutting the amount of places at uni for teachers has not helped, but it’s all Westminste­r’s fault. - Scotty Murray

Welldonepo­ppy. Pitymr Swinney gave you a soundbite instead of an answer. And how shameful that it took direct action from the children to ensure a stable teaching plan was put in place. My daughter’s class recently had a similar experience (thankfully now resolved) and it was very unsettling. - Joanna Byrne

The most effective learning is self-generated. The next time your teacher doesn’t turn up, go through the dictionary highlighti­ng and learning new words instead of complainin­g and disrespect­ing your elders. - Jeremy Chiangkhan

Should they not be writing to the local council ? After all, they are in charge of local schools . Or should that power go back to Scottish government? - Robert Farrell

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