The Scotsman



A controvers­ial sculpture of William Wallace has been

moved to a site where he left English soldiers to die

And King Edward 1st (Longshanks ) is buried in Westminste­r Abbey in London with the triumphant words ‘Hammer of the Scots’ on the side of his tomb!

– Burn the Butcher’s Apron

Ship it out to wherever Mel Gibson is living these days. For it to remain on Scottish soil is an insult. What next, a statue of Shrek?

– Toup

This should be placed outside the Palace of Holyrood. The SNP MSPS can rub his nose on their way in to work and cry freedom.

– Auld Cynic

So we demand the renaming of streets in Glasgow for their connection­s to those who profited from slavery, yet laud Wallace – someone who, if we use the same standards we now seem to use to judge other historical figures, should be despised as a vicious war criminal.

– Brother_louis

In Winston Churchill’s ‘A History of the English Speaking Peoples’ he describes in vivid detail the medieval brutality of the English AND Scots, during the Scottish Wars of Independen­ce.

– Samuel Coldstream

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