The Scotsman



More than half of Scotland’s tourist informatio­n centres are to be axed, despite ever-more visitors from overseas Why not just make the whole thing a smartphone app?

– Itzi Bitzi

This is just another example of what happens when central government exercises a power grab and takes responsibi­lities away from local councils. It’s all about centralisa­tion and I bet no jobs are going at Leith.

– Paul Holyrood

Interestin­g this decision has been announced after the SNP conference.

– He’s No a Tory

The growth in tourism - coupled with the documented decline in the use of Informatio­n Centres - shows that people are indeed able to find the gems of Scotland online, by pamphlet or by secondary advice from hotels and the like. I suppose it has to be sensible to make these closures, especially given the ridiculous cost of office space on high streets.

– Corrigenda

Was a time informatio­n centres were used to book accommodat­ion, now it’s so easy to book online, that is probably the main reason for the decline in footfall.

– Road to Perdition

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