The Scotsman

Enough carping


Another damning report on the state of Scotland’s health service (Scotsman leader, 26 October), and once again the Scottish Conservati­ve health spokesman Miles Briggs jumps on the passing bandwagon. He is right to say the report exposes just how badly the SNP has mismanaged the NHS over the last ten years, but does it never occur to him that responsibi­lity for these problems rests with his own Conservati­ve Party, perhaps more than with the SNP?

On the same day a report has been released south of the Border saying that bedblockin­g in the NHS has increased by 40 per cent in the last year, and is estimated to result in as many as 8,000 deaths annually. On some days patients are taking up 6,000 beds they no longer need for hospital treatment. The problem is the lack of co-ordination between the NHS and local councils who have responsibi­lity for social care. And more specifical­ly, the problem is that Mr Briggs’ Conservati­ve Party is underfundi­ng the NHS and has cut council budgets, in the name of austerity.

We spend much less on our health service in this country than most other EU countries. The service that our NHS profession­als provide is second to none. But the NHS is underfunde­d. The Lib Dems are proposing an extra penny on Income Tax, with the extra £6 billion going to the NHS. In 2001, Gordon Brown increased National Insurance by 1 per cent, with the proceeds committed to the NHS. We need this again, and more.

Instead of Miles Briggs constantly To judge by the response to Audit Scotland’s latest in a long line of shocking reports by the Scottish National Party’s Health Minister, Shona Robison, you would think there was little wrong. This is a typical reply by the SNP, who are rapidly failing Scotland in all department­s but cannot countenanc­e accepting any responsibi­lity. For Ms Robison to highlight that there are “encouragin­g elements to the report” shows just how out of touch our current administra­tion is. The health of the nation is fundamenta­l. Ten years of SNP control over Scotland’s health (including six years under the stewardshi­p of Nicola Sturgeon) have produced very little improvemen­t. There may be a few bright spots but a 99 per cent increase in the number of people waiting more than 12 weeks for an outpatient appointmen­t, the majority of key national performanc­e targets not being met and the meltdown in GP services are all serious problems.

The SNP claim NHS Scotland is only safe in their hands but, at the same time, say there is simply no quick fix. We need a much more profession­al approach than this from the SNP. Fundamenta­lly we are not getting one. (DR) GERALD EDWARDS

Broom Road, Glasgow.

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