The Scotsman

Slippery slope


Alex Salmond as Chairman of Johnston Press newspaper group sounds like the death knell for certain parts of Scottish journalism.

The Scotsman and myriad local newspapers form part of Johnston Press and are presently read by a wide crosssecti­on of the Scottish public. Tinge their content with Snptype propaganda and watch the readership fall.

Salmond is yesterday’s man. He failed in his bid to make Scotland independen­t. He lost his Westminste­r seat at the last election like many other SNP members. He must not be allowed to get any sort of foothold in the Scottish Press.

The Scotsman might initially gain some new SNP readers, but it would lose the support of a large number of its freethinki­ng readers like myself to other newspapers.


Northfield Ceres, Fife

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