The Scotsman

Debate hots up


Most important issues, for example whether we should be in the EU, are debated in the mainstream media. But t he truth or other wise of the global warming claim is almost never debated. So I thank Carolyn Taylor for responding to my letter, albeit in opposition ( Letters, 17 November).

As part of her argument, she makes non-specific references to“incomplete evidence” and“nuclear models ”. This is a shame, because I’d like to read about the models and the complete evidence s he pre - sumably has.

War mists claim a consensus in their opinions. Not true, there are innumerabl­e scientists and studies that suggest alternativ­e views. For example, Ms Taylor suggests the sun was the prime driver of climate change in the Ordovician era, but is not the prime driver today. Yet a recent Stockholm University paper suggests it may have been weathering of rocks by mosses.

We shouldn’ t be spending billions on an energy system that will likely make no difference to the climate. GEOFF MOORE Alness, Highland

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